Widow demands action after losing “soulmate”

1 min read

A bereaved woman is demanding action from the Government to fund research to help find a cure for the disease that killed her husband.

Joanne Moore lost her husband Richard to a glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) in December 2019. The couple’s only son Thomas was 16 and about to sit his GCSEs when Richard received his diagnosis in March 2019. He passed away just nine months later, aged 60.

Joanne is among more than 112,000 people who signed our petition calling for increased investment in scientific research to bring parity of funding with other cancers such as breast and leukaemia. She has shared her story in her local newspaper to help raise awareness and to encourage others to support our cause.

She said: “Richard was my soulmate, the love of my life and my everything. To see him suddenly going from a fit and healthy man to fighting for his life was utterly devastating and I will never come to terms with losing him. He was a fantastic dad to our son Thomas and he still had so much to live for.

“We need money NOW to find a cure. So many lives are needlessly being lost to brain tumours.”

Last week saw a campaigning landmark as our Level Up and Stop the Devastation Report was delivered to MPs.

If you haven’t already done so, please read the Report and share it as widely as you can. Click here to find out how you can help us keep the momentum going.

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