Campaigning landmark as our Petition Report is launched

1 min read
Thanks to the amazing support of more than 112,000 of you, our Level Up and Stop the Devastation Petition Report is being circulated to all MPs today.

We are immensely proud of this powerful document, which contains the photos and thoughts of many of you who supported our #BrainTumourPetition, and represents another important step taken on the road to finding a cure for brain tumours.

You can download and read the Report here.

The Report calls on the Government to introduce a dedicated Levelling Up Brain Tumour Research Fund of £105 million, to increase the ongoing national investment in brain tumour research to £35 million a year and to demonstrate joined up thinking for investment across the brain tumour research pipeline.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us what can be achieved, and at speed, when the funding for discovery science is appropriate.

As well as receiving the Petition Report, we’d like every MP to receive an email from you, their constituent, today. Please email your MP (help with this can be found here) explaining why you signed the petition, ask them to read the Report and pledge their support, and ask them to take a photo of themselves with the report and share it on Twitter today.

Please help us keep the momentum going and share the Petition report as widely as you can on Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp and encourage your friends and followers to read and share it too.

Thank you to all of you who have signed the petition, shared your stories and photos, and campaigned with Brain Tumour Research. We could not have achieved this without you.

Download and read the Level Up and Stop the Devastation Petition Report.

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