Brain Tumour Research is celebrating its 10th anniversary!

1 min read

On 28th April 2009, 14 brain tumour charities put their ‘heads together’ to launch umbrella charity Brain Tumour Research with a mission to raise awareness and increase funding for vital research.

Move forward 10 years and we have much to be proud of and a decade of achievements to celebrate:

Through collaboration with our Members and other charities, the patient voice is being heard, more patients and their families have access to support and information, and funding for research is increasing

  • Our campaigning successes have shone a spotlight on the historic underfunding and have led to increased national investment in research into brain tumours
  • Awareness is at an all-time high in the media, on social media and amongst parliamentarians, and with thanks to this and all of our supporters and celebrity ambassadors, our own fundraising has reached circa £4 million a year
  • We are transforming research into brain tumours in the UK through our Centre of Excellence strategy, and building capacity in pioneering research having established four dedicated Centres enabling them to attract other funding as a result of our own investment

Download our 10th Anniversary Brochure

We have also met so many astonishing, powerful, helpful, angry, devastated yet determined people. Determined to make a difference. Determined to join us in helping to fund the fight and find a cure for this devastating disease.

The next decade is set to see huge advances in our quest to improve outcomes for patients and their families – please stay with us as we seek to grow capacity, build infrastructure, accelerate treatments and increase national investment in brain tumour research to £35 million a year by 2025.

Thank you for your continuous support.

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