A great day with representatives from 12 of our Member Charities

1 min read

We were delighted to welcome 12 of our Member Charities to a workshop in Milton Keynes. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn more about each other and share ideas and experiences, as well as how we could help each other. And great to welcome and get to know the delegates from two new Member Charities: NF2 BioSolutions and Yorkshire’s Brain Tumour Charity

Our CEO Dan Knowles kicked the day off at yesterday’s (19th June 2024) event with a warm welcome to all the delegates, after which we heard introductions from each of the attending Member Charities.

Karen Noble, Director of Research, Policy and Innovation, spoke about the exciting research we are funding with fantastic support from a number of our Member Charities at our Centres of Excellence.

Last up before lunch, was Hugh Adams, Head of Stakeholder Relations, who recapped our campaigning achievements of the past year before looking ahead to the General Election and what we can achieve with the new Government.

After some nosh and networking, Director of Marketing and Communications, Sue Castle-Smith showcased how we can help to raise the profile of our Member Charities through generating news and writing case studies, as well as on social media platforms, in Believe magazine and on our website.

It was great to hear Dr Vicky Ringer of our Member Charity Levi’s Star talking about her doctoral study on communications between schools and families to help the process of producing the best support plan possible for children affected by a brain tumour on their return to school.

We also heard from Anju Chadha-McLean and Katrina Jones about how we can share knowledge and expertise and ultimately be stronger together, as well as how we can collaborate with fundraising applications to Trusts and Foundations.

The day’s proceedings wrapped up with a Q & A session led by Finance and Operations Director Mark Stavers in which Member Charities gave really positive feedback about the day and hoped it wouldn’t be too long before another Workshop was held. After a summary and close from Russell Marriott, Director of Income Generation, it was lovely to see people taking another opportunity to connect with each other and swap contact details.

We’re already looking forward to the next workshop – watch this space!

Related reading:

Our Member Charities

Our Management Team


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