Wales Cabinet Secretary promises "hands-on approach"

2 min read

Along with our partners in the Wales Cancer Alliance, Brain Tumour Research met with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services of Wales, Eluned Morgan this week.

Lowri Griffiths, Chair of the Wales Cancer Alliance, welcomed the Cabinet Secretary’s commitment to holding ongoing meetings and for keeping cancer a priority.

The Minister said that Welsh Government still needed to improve its cancer performance outcomes. She had made it clear to Chief Executives of Health Boards, in their newly established monthly meetings, that cancer will continue to remain a top priority.

The Cabinet Secretary also talked about taking a “hands-on approach” to improving the cancer journey for patients in Wales. Earlier in the day she had visited a multi-disciplinary team in Cardiff to better understand the pathway for colorectal cancer.

With regards to the life sciences, Ms. Morgan spoke about wanting to personally direct the relationship with industry. She said that the Life Sciences Hub had a big role to play in propelling inspiring life science innovations into frontline use, adding: “Part of my mission is to also build confidence for investment in the life sciences in Wales.”

Finally, we discussed the financial hit that many families face as a result of their child’s cancer diagnosis. Colleagues mentioned that families often travelled long distances to access specialist treatment. The Cabinet Secretary said: “In terms of equity, as we move to more specialised centres, we need to make sure that people can get there. I‘ve raised it with Health Boards previously but it needs addressing at a national level.”

Our Policy and Public Affairs Manager Thomas Brayford said: “We appreciate the hands-on approach the Cabinet Secretary is taking to understand and improve the cancer journey for patients in Wales, in particular for children and young people.”

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