Amateur runner preparing for Big Half

2 min read

An amateur runner who took up the hobby after watching a family member battle brain cancer is preparing to take on his first half marathon.

Prash Shan (pictured below) is lacing up his trainers as he starts his final preparations for The Big Half which takes place on Sunday (1st September). It will be the furthest he has ever gone, having only ever done a 5km previously, in the three years since he started running.

Prash Shan training to run The Big Half for Brain Tumour Research


He is raising funds for Brain Tumour Research inspired by his cousin’s husband, Sam Suriakumar (pictured top), who was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2020.

Prash said: “It was quite inspiring to see what Sam went through due to his brain tumour; undergoing invasive treatments, but he continues to be a beacon of strength for his family, including his two daughters.”

In July, Sam, our Supporter Ambassador, finished a nine-month cycle of chemotherapy after enduring a biopsy and 30 sessions of radiotherapy following the growth of his tumour after three-and-a-half years of stable scans.

He’ll be in the crowd on Sunday along with Prash’s wife, mum and auntie, cheering Prash on as he takes on the 13.1-mile challenge.

Prash has already raised more than £1,300 to help find a cure. He added: “The statistics around the disease surprised me, especially learning that brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer. I didn’t know that. I hope that by taking part in this running challenge, I can change that. I’m just a regular person who wants to make a difference and this seems like the best place to start.”

To support Prash’s fundraising, click here to donate via his JustGiving page.

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Published Friday 30th August 2024.

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